Even though The Open Door Ministries was set up to minister to others, those of us involved soon learned that we were also ministered to. One the most striking ways was in learning to truly trust God to provide all the needs. The existence of the Open Door was truly on a month-to-month basis. We had decided from the onset not to infuse monies when times were tight, but to trust that if God wanted the ministry to exist, then He would provide. We didn't want to glorify us, but Jesus. So we decided that when the money and support stopped, it would be it would be time to close up shop. On several occasions it seemed as if that was about to happen; however, we prayed for guidance, and suddenly funding returned. God provided--every month there was just enough to provide for the needs of that month.
More and more we learned that there would be "enough" to supply the needs for the ministry. One month we were $250 short for rent. A Church county took up a special offering for us not knowing how much we lacked. The collection totaled exactly $250. There were even some months whenn we had 29 cents or 67 cents left over after paying the expenses! But in over twenty-one years we have learned more and more to trust that He will provide for all the needs.
Another interesting result of the ministry, in addition to those who have come to know Christ or have developed in their walk with Him, is to see where staff and volunteers have gone. At one time we had 14 vo1unteers helping to staff the coffeehouse. Some of these were students from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Others were laymen from various Christian denominations. These dedicated volunteers ranged in to over 60 years of age. Many stayed for several years only leaving to go on to other things, such as to serve on the mission field in Africa, pastor churches in other states, to serve with the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board, or to go on to graduate school. It has truly become "from Open Door ... to the world." We thank Him for allowing us to serve.
Over the years we have found ourselves in a counseling ministry and for over 20 years have had the opportunity to witness to acutely suicidal people in addition to many with other emotional, psychological as spiritual problems. Through these experiences, we have learned to minister to all facets of personality and bring people to the knowledge of Jesus and what He has to offer for healing and salvation.
What is our future? We don't know. We dream of a real Christian counseling center. We think about a full service Christian feeding facility. We really don't know what God has in store for we are open and waiting. In the meantime, we continue to serve Him.
Lars Williamson and Judy Beane